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We Love You Canada / Nous t'aimons, Canada

We Love You, Canada and its French language counterpart Nous t'aimons, Canada, were composed and produced by Andrew A. Melzer of Panda Digital for Canada's 150th birthday. East Coast Music Awards (ECMA) nominee Yvette d’Entremont (www.yvettedentremont.com), wrote the French lyrics. The song was sung by the Confederation Centre Youth Chorus, under the direction of Donald Fraser. For more information on the song, and to contribute to its fundraising efforts, visit WeLoveYouCanada.com. Andrew had previously produced successful English and French recordings of Bobby Gimby's "Canada" song 50 years ago for Canada's centennial year.

Here are links to purchase your own copy of We Love You, Canada and Nous t'aimons, Canada:

We Love You, Canada:

iTunes-  https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/we-love-you-canada-single/id1235322429


Nous t'aimons, Canada:

iTunes- https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/nous-taimons-canada-single/id1235322378

Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Nous-Taimons-Canada/dp/B0711L8VG7/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495462753&sr=8-1&keywords=Nous+T%27Aimons%2C+Canada


Click the players below to listen:

We Love You Canada Nous t'aimons Canada

Youth Chorus

The Confederation Centre Youth Chorus, with (front row left to right) Choir Director Donald Fraser, composer and record producer Andrew A. Melzer. PHOTO © SALLY COLE/SALTWIRE MEDIA

Harvey Shield and Richard Jarboe - The Pied Piper of Hamelin

THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN By Harvey Shield and Richard Jarboe. Vocalists: Harvey Shield; John Hostetter; Jodi Mitchel; J. D. Ellis; Joey Sheck; Susan ; Holmes; Del Appleby; Lesley Sachs; Musicians: Alan Axelrod; Carl Sealove; Bob Forte; Sonya Edelman. This soundtrack is from the original version of Harvey Shield & Richard Jarboe's musical, "The Pied Piper of Hamelin", produced at the Olio Theater in Los Angeles in 1984. Its original title was "1284".

Karl Roemer - Math Songs I Must Sing

MATH SONGS I MUST SING - Karl Roemer - Tracks: Think in Groups of Three; The Song That I Must Sing; The Multiplication Facts Doubles Song; A Skill Not To Lose; If You Wanna Orders and Compare Any Numbers; Percent and the President; To Formulate Helps to Calculate; etc. Recommended for kids in grades 4-6. Fun songs to make difficult tasks easy as a game.


Email Andrew Melzer at andrew@pandadigital.com
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